Saturday, September 22, 2012

All for the grade?

This is our teaser for our vlog that serves as our finals in our subject Interactive Advertising

 Photographed and Post-processed by: Me (Trisha!)
It still makes me sad that my strobe light overheated! I have to get it fixed a.s.a.p.!
These pictures are for our finals in our subject Interactive Advertising, where in we have to make 3 vlogs, 1 vlog per week and make the vlogs viral, and analyze the data and the progress afterwards. I will post the video after this:) Hope you like that one too.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hello Productivity!: Ballpen + Gouache!

Ballpen + Prang + Gouache Paint
If you're wondering what medium for outlining did I use--believe it or not--it's a 12-peso ballpen that I saw in one of the corners of our dormitory. Haha! Might as well use it, right? For the past few days I was doing a medium exploration and also an art style for my thesis (I have to make a comic adaptation for Bob Ong's Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin: Asawa ni Marie), then I tried the techpens + watercolor, the techpen is too heavy for the watercolor, then pencils with watercolor +colorpencils--too light for me, then finally I tried the ballpen + watercolor + gouache combo, and I loved the results, the ballpen is just right, not too heavy not too light. So yeheyy, and I did not use pencil in this one that is why it's not really that well-proportioned, but I think it's okay:) what do you think :D

Hello Productivity!: Out of the Box

0.05 Techpen + Prang Watercolor on Watercolor Paper
Out of the box. Out of all the insecurities, and all the BS that has been happening for the past few weeks, and also from all the fear.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hello Productivity: KTT!

Trad Art + Adobe CS5 (c) Trisha Salonga
KTT = Kape Tulog(?) Thesis (Coffee, Sleep, Thesis). I made this for my cover photo, I was inspired by my friend Jika's KTT = Kain Tulog Twitter. (Eat. Sleep. Twitter)

This is what I do usually, 24/7. Oh please lazy self, work more.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hello Productivity!: For Pauline's 20th

Prang on Stratmore, 12 x 15? Haha 
I made this for my friend's 20th birthday. Explanation: Because there are many fish in the sea! Pau knows it. Haha!

I hope you like it:)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hello Productivity!: Sleepless

"Sleepless" Graphite + Watercolor on Watercolor paper. 12" x 12"  (c) Trisha Salonga
I was practicing for my upcoming thesis that is why I decided to make one yesterday. Okay, every element in this drawing has meaning. I shall explain it here:

  • Circle - We're running in circles. Endless cycle. Of life. Your decision making. Consistent in inconsistency.
  • Small branches - Representation of the good memories, the girl is stuck in the situation, she cannot move forward.
  • Owl - Night. Night is my partner. Night is my witness. 
  • Blue background - I'm feeling blue. Also, mid-darkness.
  • Colorless hair - Hair is a sign of vanity. I took away the vanity from this girl. Being selfless and giving.
  • Green eyes - Envy. Green with envy, but pretending not to care.
  • Tears on the right eye - Sadness. She's sad but as much as possible she's trying not to show it to people.
  • Expressionless Face - Immunity.

So, hahaha, instead of posting a status update in Facebook, I channel my emotions by creating something new or being productive. The current state that I'm in--inspired me to do this.

That's the weird thing about me, whenever I get sad/mad I produce good art. I don't know why.

I hope you like it :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hello Productivity!: Zombified Jimi Hendrix!

Adobe Illustrator CS5 + PS (c) Salonga
Zombified Jimi Hendrix! I made this through Illustrator, my reference was his iconic black and white picture. I'm planning to make Zombified The Beatles next :) This is the skull progress.

Hope you like it :)

Flashing Lights

My brother and I got nothing to do, and decided to take photos of ourselves. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Hello Productivity!: Isometric Trisha

Adobe CS5 Illustrator (c) T.Salonga
I made this for our college's event poster, I made 2 options one is 8 Bit (the one I posted earlier) and this. And I made this--manually (ish) I used pentool, I didn't use the 3D effect for shapes/text.  I wanted to choose the proper colors for the shadows. Like this:

I had to align them properly--Trial and error again. Hahah, it was fun doing it though:) Hope you like this one.

Hello Productivity!: 8 Bit

Adobe CS5 Illustrator (C) Trisha Salonga
This is my first attempt to pixel art. I enjoyed it very much becos I have to be careful with the simple details. Actually, the other version of this is for CFAD UST's org bazaar that happened just this week, I hope I can get the large tarp. HAHA

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello productivity!: Pop Art

This is my trial to pop art! First time ever to try it, and I had fun! :D I used AI for the image, then PS for tweaking. :) Hope you like it. Illustration by yours truly

Hello Productivity!: Daft Punk

Pencils by: Tekka Croe    Coloring/Vector: Patricia Salonga
I used Adobe Illustrator CS5: Pentool.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Run Right Back

Photographed by: Trisha Salonga
Illustrations by: Trisha Salonga
Model: Nicole Crisostomo

I had a spontaneous photoshoot with Nicole, my underclassman back in highschool, since it's summer and we had nothing to do, we decided to shoot at their house in Tagaytay.

To err is human

After I got back from SG, I already planned the next projects that I want to work on. And voila, hello productive summer!

I call this one "To err is human"
Watch out for more, soon.

Who's Your Daddy? on Mac

Remember the Who's Your Daddy Darth Vader that I made a month ago? Well I printed it into a sticker, and put it on my laptop (Macbook Pro OS X Lion).
yeah, Luke, who?
And I love it! For those who are asking, no I didnt put it directly, there is a protective plastic so I can remove it anytime I want or if it's starting to look ugly. Hahhh, and a lot responded that they want one as well. Well that makes me happy :D I printed 4-5 already, and gave it to friends. Yay producteeev.

Hello Productivity! Pink Head Trisha

Illustration by: Yours Truly, CS5 Illustrator
Hello again, sorry for the hiatus. Reasons: Internship, workload. You get my drift. And also it's because I was busy doing so much illustration ideas in vector. That's what makes me busy. It's not really an assignment (for academic purposes? No), I just want to be productive this summer and make as much as I can! And it's because I want to put this laptop to good use :D

Anyway, my friend Emman (also from our college) told me if I could design a character and he'll animate it,  so okay it made me excited. Then I'm still waiting for him to finish it. So watch out for that :D

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Adphoto, here I come.

So, finally--after much shenanigans, I'll train in AdPhoto after all for our required internship program in UST. I guess it's meant to be, I think production really is for me, yey!

I got accepted first at GWA: Great Wall Advertising, the second one who called Adphoto, then 3rd is Publicis Jimenez Basic(my classmate Gina and I had to say no because of the schedule), then the last one who called me was TBWA\ Santiago Mangada Puno--they were the agency of the year last year(and again, due to my Singapore trip they cannot allow it).

So photography really is for me. Hayy thank goodness. I'm not bitter, I am actually glad! And I already learned a lot in Creative Juice\ (TBWA's sister company), they thought me well, I think that's enough, and continue my journey to photography training. Yey.

Btw, check this website you can create your very own clay avatar through this. :D