Friday, February 15, 2013

Hello 2013!

Ermergerd, thesis free at last!

Ermergerd, sorry for the hiatus! I've been busy with thesis, and finally it's over!!!! I can make and post again! Happy child once again, I'll be doing more collaborations this year. Hihi, 2013 please be good to us! :) (btw these artworks above are used for my thesis)

xx Tricia

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

For Time paradox!

(c) Tricia Salonga, pen and ink + PS CS5
Sorry for the hiatus! been busy working on my thesis. This will be brief, I did this for our college event in UST: Time Paradox, where in we have to dress up depending on the era/time that we like.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

All for the grade?

This is our teaser for our vlog that serves as our finals in our subject Interactive Advertising

 Photographed and Post-processed by: Me (Trisha!)
It still makes me sad that my strobe light overheated! I have to get it fixed a.s.a.p.!
These pictures are for our finals in our subject Interactive Advertising, where in we have to make 3 vlogs, 1 vlog per week and make the vlogs viral, and analyze the data and the progress afterwards. I will post the video after this:) Hope you like that one too.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hello Productivity!: Ballpen + Gouache!

Ballpen + Prang + Gouache Paint
If you're wondering what medium for outlining did I use--believe it or not--it's a 12-peso ballpen that I saw in one of the corners of our dormitory. Haha! Might as well use it, right? For the past few days I was doing a medium exploration and also an art style for my thesis (I have to make a comic adaptation for Bob Ong's Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin: Asawa ni Marie), then I tried the techpens + watercolor, the techpen is too heavy for the watercolor, then pencils with watercolor +colorpencils--too light for me, then finally I tried the ballpen + watercolor + gouache combo, and I loved the results, the ballpen is just right, not too heavy not too light. So yeheyy, and I did not use pencil in this one that is why it's not really that well-proportioned, but I think it's okay:) what do you think :D

Hello Productivity!: Out of the Box

0.05 Techpen + Prang Watercolor on Watercolor Paper
Out of the box. Out of all the insecurities, and all the BS that has been happening for the past few weeks, and also from all the fear.