Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello Productivity!: Within You, Without You

Photographs & Post-Processing: Patricia Saloga (hi!)
Hair, Make-Up & Lights: Genevieve Son 
Model: Diane Bernardo
 Since there were no classes last week to make way for our seniors for their thesis defense, Genevieve Son (my lovely super nice friend!!!) and I decided to collaborate for a fashion shoot. Good thing my friend, Diane Bernardo was game to do a semi nude photoshoot.

BTS: Oishi O Wow! TVC

 These are the behind the scenes photos for our (Creative Juice\ Manila) commercial for Oishi. I learned a lot that day :) I miss the production crew, everyone was so nice.  I hope you like the commercial, if ever you've seen it, or if you haven't, just google it.

Happy 2nd B-day, Vinyl on Vinyl: With Tara McPherson!

 So Vinyl on Vinyl (located at The Collective, Malugay St. in Makati) celebrated its 2nd birthday with a bang, with a bang meaning, Tara Mcpherson. The very talented and awesome graphic artist Tara Mcpherson had an exhibit there, and signed some autographs too. The Collective = The New Cubao Ex, or The Cubao Ex of the South (which is much much easier to go to, now, since I live in the South). Actually, going there was unplanned, we've got nothin to do on a Wednesday night that's why I tagged Jess along with me :D

Oh man, can I just say? She's now my idol, I've seen her sketches there, they were so neat and perfectly rendered. That day I was inspired to collab more with some artist friends.

Amanda Lapus and Pauline Lapus, the pretty siblings.

Pauline and Jess

Heyy it's Raya Mananquil

Her works, wow!

Jess and Tara

I was so nervous that I never had a a decent photo with Tara! In this photo it's obvious that I faked a smile HAHA


Pauline and her friend, Brendan Goco

Thanks, Jess!

Mochiko! 70php per piece --totally worth it!

We went home at around 3am-ish. So thanks, Chok for taking us home :D And thanks to Jess for letting me stay over :D