Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello Productivity!: Jessica Murphy

Model: Jessica Murphy
Photography and Post Processing: Trisha Salonga (Hi)
Hair & Make Up: Camille Regala
Styling: Jika Regala
This is part 2 of my Photog4 plate number 3 which is Fashion Photography. Special thanks also to my brother, Paul Salonga for driving us to BF Homes, to Regala family and to my Photog partner, John Patrick Azucena.

Hello Productivity: Invisible Monsters Book Cover

 This is my rendition of Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters, to those who had read it, I think they'll get it--why my design is something like this. This is for our PRES class, we have to make a book cover of our own or redesign other book covers, AND I chose this one cos this tops my Must-read-books-before-you-die list.

I hope you like it.

Au Revoir,

Hello Productivity!: Starbucks Product Photog and Layout

Our plate number 2 for our Photography 4 subject is product photography, and we were also assigned to make a lay-out for the product as well. So ta-daaa here is the output. Thanks to Inah Que for letting me borrow her bottled frap.

Au Revoir,

Hello Productivity: Pauline Ysabel

Photographed and Post Processed by: Trisha Salonga (Hi)
Model & Make up by: Pauline Lapus
Studio: UST Beato Angelico 4th Floor Studio A

This is for our Photog4 Plate #3, actually a part of my plate 3. Btw our college has its own studio and lights, and we can use it for free, it's fun to feel your tuition fee every once in a while. 

Au revoir,

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hello Productivity: Current Folio Design!

 Front and the back portion. All made in Adobe Illustrator, Photo manipulation through Photoshop.


Videos & Video Editing by: Trisha Salonga (Hi)
Used: Adobe Premiere Pro CS3

These are the behind the scenes from our college week 2 weeks ago.
Hope  you like it. Hihi paraaade! Hollywood x Zombieland was our peg. Thus explains, the blood stains.

Hello Productivity: Conceptual Photog Plate 1!


Photography & Post-Processed by: Me, Trisha Salonga.(Aywow)
Make up: T. Salonga
Model: Sharlane Balao

Hello my friends, this is my first plate for our Photography 4 subject handled by Sir Jun Barrameda (Hi sir!), for conceptual photography. The funny thing is I was really unprepared that day I only had a liquid eyeliner, concealer and bronzer that day and I had no model, so good thing my beautiful friend and classmate here, Sharlane Balao modeled for me. She was uncomfortable at first cos she's not really used on being the model (but the photographer). AND good thing our college has a studio inside and we can use it for free, freeloaders. Hahah, and we just played loud music for mood starters.

Can I just say, her beauty is so effortless--and the way she posed for me, in short the shoot was fast and was happy about the results. Love you girl. Our next plate will be product photography, so watch out for that.

Au Revoir,

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hello Productivity!: Magazine Cover Plates

These magazine covers were my previous plates during my sophomore year.
Food Styling and Photography&Post Process by Me.

Photo and Lay-out by Me

Food Styling and photography+Post Process by Me

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hello Productivity! : Production Plate

Traditional art by Trisha Salonga

Cause of Motivation: Alexandria Lekias

 Introducing, Alexandria Lekias! The brains behind these amazing illustrations of women in goth dresses.
Last November 2010, Perth artist and illustrator Alexandra Lekias’ Sydney exhibition, “Lifelong Baby Teeth”, opened at the Friends of Leon Gallery in Surry Hills. An exhibition of these wonderful illustrations below.

 In her exhibit she has shown 12 illustrations which she said had taken 400 hours each to create--no wonder, her work is so detailed. Intriguing and eye-catching at the same time. This is something that I would want to post on my wall, seriously, There's a balance between the  monochromatic scheme of the girls dressed in Victorian kind of dresses (or can be Gothic) and the rainbow-y colors that overflows from their eyes or mouth.
The artist herself. As you can see, the characters in her art reflect on what she wears. You'll see photos of her with really kickass accessories, that I think she made. Like this:
Right? Wow Alexandria is one talented gal.

Au Revoir,

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hello Productivity!: Octonaut!

Ian Alejandro Abaya and I collaborated for our Production plate for Photographic Printing, boy it was expensive! But we had a lot of fun doing it. The concept is an astronaut got "infected"--ergo became--tadaaa--and Octonaut.

Au Revoir,

Monday, November 7, 2011

So where's the forehead?

Fringe, fringe, fringe.
Since I don't want to post my previous photos, I just made a collage of my favorite photos from the previous years. Ohhh, vanitehhh.
Q:So Trisha? Why can't you show your forehead? 
A: Actually nothing's wrong with my forehead,  I'm not really that pimply, it's zee eyebrows I'm hiding, I never liked it. 
Q: So this is your 'do since birth?
A: LOL, OA, ha! No, I got my bangs back during my junior year in highschool, and back then I had really short hair.

So berryyy beeeyn.

Au Revoir

Stop Motion Clip: Curse of pisooooo!

From my previous entry, this is what we passed as our prelim plate. Seriously stop motion will kill your shutter life, for just a couple of minutes--we've taken more than 500 photos. BUT a lot of fun.
Photographer: Trisha Salonga, Anton Estacio
Video Editing: Inah Que, Trisha Salonga
Cast: Trisha Yu, Sheng Costo, Inah Que, Anton Estacio, Kim Aleum Pearl Lapore, Clara Mendoza, Monique Aranzanso, Denice Tiu.

Au Revoir

Claynimation: Who to Pick

Me and my classmates made this, this is supposed to be our prelim plate for Design Workshop but our professor told us that we were not following instructions, haha, it wasn't clear that we were supposed to make a pixelation (which I will post after). This is our first attempt to Claynimation
Music by: Up Dharma Down

P.S. Thank god for iMovie. It's so easy to use.

Hello productivity: Leica Brochure by yours truly.

Front cover
Back cover
This is  my finals for our PEM subject, we were required to make a multi-page brochure.
Boy, spell meticulous. Before making this, I spent 3-4 hours in research and finding high-res photos of the product. Then another 3-4 hours spent in Adobe Indesign (Bitches loooove Indesign).
Take a peek inside:

It cost me Php 540.00 just to print these. But all worth it, I'm happy to the results. Lourd's Print shoppe I love you.