Monday, December 19, 2011

Hello Productivity!: Jessica Murphy

Model: Jessica Murphy
Photography and Post Processing: Trisha Salonga (Hi)
Hair & Make Up: Camille Regala
Styling: Jika Regala
This is part 2 of my Photog4 plate number 3 which is Fashion Photography. Special thanks also to my brother, Paul Salonga for driving us to BF Homes, to Regala family and to my Photog partner, John Patrick Azucena.

Hello Productivity: Invisible Monsters Book Cover

 This is my rendition of Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters, to those who had read it, I think they'll get it--why my design is something like this. This is for our PRES class, we have to make a book cover of our own or redesign other book covers, AND I chose this one cos this tops my Must-read-books-before-you-die list.

I hope you like it.

Au Revoir,

Hello Productivity!: Starbucks Product Photog and Layout

Our plate number 2 for our Photography 4 subject is product photography, and we were also assigned to make a lay-out for the product as well. So ta-daaa here is the output. Thanks to Inah Que for letting me borrow her bottled frap.

Au Revoir,

Hello Productivity: Pauline Ysabel

Photographed and Post Processed by: Trisha Salonga (Hi)
Model & Make up by: Pauline Lapus
Studio: UST Beato Angelico 4th Floor Studio A

This is for our Photog4 Plate #3, actually a part of my plate 3. Btw our college has its own studio and lights, and we can use it for free, it's fun to feel your tuition fee every once in a while. 

Au revoir,