Friday, November 11, 2011

Cause of Motivation: Alexandria Lekias

 Introducing, Alexandria Lekias! The brains behind these amazing illustrations of women in goth dresses.
Last November 2010, Perth artist and illustrator Alexandra Lekias’ Sydney exhibition, “Lifelong Baby Teeth”, opened at the Friends of Leon Gallery in Surry Hills. An exhibition of these wonderful illustrations below.

 In her exhibit she has shown 12 illustrations which she said had taken 400 hours each to create--no wonder, her work is so detailed. Intriguing and eye-catching at the same time. This is something that I would want to post on my wall, seriously, There's a balance between the  monochromatic scheme of the girls dressed in Victorian kind of dresses (or can be Gothic) and the rainbow-y colors that overflows from their eyes or mouth.
The artist herself. As you can see, the characters in her art reflect on what she wears. You'll see photos of her with really kickass accessories, that I think she made. Like this:
Right? Wow Alexandria is one talented gal.

Au Revoir,

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