Monday, November 7, 2011

Cause of motivation: Fafi

Heart-shaped blush + curvy girls + colorful hair = Fafinette

Fafi is a French graffiti artist from Toulouse whose graffiti was first witnessed in her hometown walls back 1994. You call her girl characters Fafinettes, Fafinettes can be described as aggressive, sexy and funny.

Fafi and her fafinette
She had influenced a lot of graffiti artists worldwide, even in my school (UST) I think, we have an upper classman  who is also a graffiti artist who is strongly influenced by Fafi. (I'm not that sure, but it shows in her graffiti around the manila and Cubao area)
I first discovered Fafi from 2009's issue of Status Magazine--where in her Fafinette is the cover.
Fafi for Status Magazine

Fafi for MAC
Whenever I see her drawings, it reminds me how fun and adventurous girls can be, probably because of the flamboyance of the color palette. And whenever I see her art it really motivates me. Damn, so many talented people in the world!

"..made the whole world look and help kick-start a whole new graphic language; by exploring feminity through stereotypes, and using it to her advantage, she drew enormous attention and thus started to travel the world with thousands of Fafinettes in her brushes and paint cans. "- Fafi.Net

Like her in Facebook.

Au Revoir

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