Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hello Productivity: Conceptual Photog Plate 1!


Photography & Post-Processed by: Me, Trisha Salonga.(Aywow)
Make up: T. Salonga
Model: Sharlane Balao

Hello my friends, this is my first plate for our Photography 4 subject handled by Sir Jun Barrameda (Hi sir!), for conceptual photography. The funny thing is I was really unprepared that day I only had a liquid eyeliner, concealer and bronzer that day and I had no model, so good thing my beautiful friend and classmate here, Sharlane Balao modeled for me. She was uncomfortable at first cos she's not really used on being the model (but the photographer). AND good thing our college has a studio inside and we can use it for free, freeloaders. Hahah, and we just played loud music for mood starters.

Can I just say, her beauty is so effortless--and the way she posed for me, in short the shoot was fast and was happy about the results. Love you girl. Our next plate will be product photography, so watch out for that.

Au Revoir,

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