Monday, November 7, 2011

Remember Remember the 5th of November

Remember, Remember the 5th of November, gun powder treason and plot. I know of no reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. 

 Belated Happy Halloween! This is our Halloween tribute!
And here I was, in a Guy Fawke's mask. I watched V for Vendetta once more, after that Halloween party we attended to last week! They say the mask suits me, because of the hair, in the movie V had the same blunt bangs--only shorter.
Man, I want his old school jukebox (if only I had more space in my room!!) AND I want to learn how to cook what V made--a toast with a sunny side up egg attached to it, what do you call it anyway? Forgive.
Since the party is for kids only, my brother and I stayed at a conference room in our dad's office in Makati (Phil. Stocks Exchage Bldg) The camwhore fun fun fun starts here.

 Come on, forgive! I always take pictures of other people.
And here are the photos of my brother that I took, Esquire magazine much? :))
He calls this "The Tyler Durden" shot, --Fight Club reference. LOL

HA. Pizza face!
Speakig of pizza (LOL), Here ya go, the Pizzeria/Pizza place in Glorietta that I mentioned earlier. I'm tellin' ya, the pasta there (one serving) can feed 3 persons. The pizza = To die for. I don't know if it will give you that New York vibe, but it's their theme.

Au Revoir

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